This week’s post is a taste of something different – my old buddy Dr. Bret Scher interviewed me on his Boundless Health Podcast. You may recall a prior post in which I reviewed his book, Your Best Health Ever! At the risk of appearing incestuous, this podcast episode is the latest joint Scher-HD effort [disclosure: we have no financial relationship]:
Boundless Health – Episode 2, Hormones Demystified
I think you’ll find the conversation engaging. You’ll hear me expand on why I started my blog, what I think of naturopathy, and more. At the very least, you may find it interesting to finally match a voice to my writing. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it. Come back after and comment below!
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I’d love to listen to that podcast but there’s a minor problem; I build my own operating system based on Linux From Scratch (recipe here: ) with careful deviation from the instructions therein and thus, I am totally unable to run any version of iTunes because it does not exist for Linux (guestimated at around 1% installed base of the computer population and my flavor would be 0.02% of that same population).
The story is different for Android (Linux based) but Android doesn’t have access to iTunes either.
Try Stitcher.
For those who prefer to not use iTunes, you can access the podcast on Stitcher here:
Hope that helps!