On Wednesday, January 24, I’m broadening my horizons and trying something new. One of my readers, Amy Peikoff, hosts a livestream podcast called Don’t Let It Go…Unheard. It delves into news, politics, law, and culture from the perspective of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism.
Uh, what the heck are you guys going to talk about?
Fair question. Amy has a JD from UCLA and a PhD in philosophy from USC, so clearly we’re going to talk about the pros and cons of living in southern California…I jest. With her background in philosophy, she has a deep understanding of the issue of “the arbitrary” – that one should not seriously entertain anything for which there is no evidence. Given that my mission is to separate evidence-based Endocrinology from magic-based nonsense, I think Amy and I will have some great synergy.
The livestream show airs at 3pm Eastern Time this Wednesday, January 24. You can access it here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amypeikoff/2018/01/24/interview-with-dr-hd-the-endocrinologist-behind-hormones-demystified-1. I expect the show to run about 90 minutes.
Even better, you can call in with questions or comments! The studio’s phone number is on the Blog Talk Radio page that I’ve linked to, above. If you miss the livestream, you can still access the show at that link after the fact. It will also be available on Facebook and YouTube through Amy’s pages, and through your favorite podcast app.
*Post-interview Update: Despite some early technical difficulties, Amy and I wound up having a wide-ranging and engaging discussion. I have a feeling we could have ventured off way into the weeds debating what exactly is plaguing the US healthcare system, but she kept us on track! The updated link, all spliced-together, is above. Enjoy.
After listening, if you want to discuss a topic further, come back here and comment below!
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Featured Image on home page credit: Photo by Gritte on Unsplash
Banner Image above from dontletitgo.com
Thank you so much, particularly with your patience with the BlogTalk disconnect and my fumbling to get back reconnected! I’m splicing together the two segments now and will post a link here as soon as it’s uploaded!
This link should work, starting at 6:30 ET today, and it includes both segments. Thanks again, HD! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amypeikoff/2018/01/24/interview-with-dr-hd-the-endocrinologist-behind-hormones-demystified-1
I have updated the post with the new link, so listeners can click on the link in the post, or here in the comments, and it should work. Thanks, Amy!
Thank you again! By the way, I thought I’d follow up on the point I made about people being more wary of government involvement in the medical industry since Obamacare was enacted. Here’s a piece discussing the government database and privacy concerns I mentioned: https://aapsonline.org/your-medical-privacy-another-obamacare-casualty/